Episode 24 – Brandon Copeland – New York Jets

What do you think you can learn about life from a linebacker in the NFL? As it turns out, a lot! Brandon Copeland’s list of accomplishments at age 27 is already pretty long – captain of the University of Pennsylvania Ivy League champion football team, NFL player, professor and accomplished speaker.

This week, he takes time out of his busy schedule to talk about “Life 101” – a course that he teaches at Penn where students learn to make better decisions about their financial well being and plan for the future while being honest about today. Brandon is not your run-of-the-mill professional athlete and he’ll tell you why without bragging – leave that to me!

Check out this episode!

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Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.

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