Episode 43 – Chang Liu – Director, Loudoun County Public Library

This week’s guest has not only embraced AND-like thinking in her own life, she has brought it to her organization. Chang Liu, Director of the Loudoun County Public Library was born in China and emigrated to the US 32 years ago. With a passion for learning and a set of encouraging parents, Chang has set about to make learning accessible, interesting and engaging.

Chang’s leadership has helped her staff to create an award-winning system of 10 libraries and over 300 employees that serve a population of 400,000+ residents in Northern VA. And, why do libraries even exist when we have smart phones and the internet? As Chang says, “Libraries may be one of the most important forms of democracy we have, today.” They offer accessible, free learning for all who enter. By tapping the creativity of her staff and creating a psychologically safe workplace, her organization recently won the American Library Association Excellence in Programming Award – the most prestigious award for a library system.

Now, go get a library card and learn about what you have been missing!

Check out this episode!

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Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.

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