Episode 59 – Chris Lewis – The Infinite Leader

What do Volkswagen, Wells Fargo and NASA have in common? At one point, each of these organizations with storied histories experienced a major, public failure that was a result of “catastrophic leadership.” My guest, Chris Lewis, and I talk about how it’s time to put an entirely new lens on leadership. His new book, “The Infinite Leader – Balancing the Demands of Modern Business Leadership” encourages us to consider both long and short term ways of thinking. In addition, he tells us to embrace imagination, empathy, humility, humor and (above all else) courage. We talk about the usefulness of the “Zero Model” and how DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man sketch can be used to help leaders at all levels strive for balance.

Check out this episode!

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Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.

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