James Millar – Building Bridges – Episode 7

Making it to the C-level in business is a big accomplishment. Unfortunately, it can be lonely at the top. Jamie Millar, President/Founder of SkyBridge Associates coordinates and facilitates executive peer networks that address some very common, yet hard to fulfill, needs of today’s executives. Peer networks create a sense of community. They are a place to share ideas and solve problems. They are an invitation-only place for executives to have the conversations they probably should be having…but aren’t.

Please join us as Jamie makes a powerful case for how these networks enhance critical thinking, improve decision-making and force executives to challenge their own thinking. He offers an interesting perspective on the polarization in the US as an immigrant and talks about his absolute adoration for the Boston Red Sox…

Check out this episode!

Picture of Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.

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