John Gable – Episode 10 –

Quick…what is your go-to news source? How often do you search for alternative views on hot topics like the wall, the Mueller investigation or climate change? John Gable, co-founder of has a mission to “Free people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world — and each other.”

Please join us for a way-too-fast 30 minutes where we talk about how improv can make you a better listener, how ‘filter bubbles’ can make you angry and why we only need 3.5% of the US to make their home page!

Check out this episode!

Picture of Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch!

Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.

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